Girl with Sculpture

Since 1999, Still Mountain Center has sponsored workshops in clay for elementary school, high school and university students. The workshops feature demonstrations and hands-on experience with clay at the studio in Kent CT. The students are involved in the creative process with professional artists, deepening their understanding of what it means to be an artist and to create art.

Still Mountain Center also provides workshops in schools, coordinating with the curriculum, allowing resident artists to work with teachers and students in their experience of clay.

Childrens' Circle Still Mountain Center clay mask making workshop for kids at Unison Learning Arts Center, New Paltz, NY, led by Chris Owen and Helene Bigley. mask making

Dear Joy & Chris,
Thank you for letting me come to your house and see all the ways you make things. The kiln was very large. I loked the hot chocolate, it was yummy. I liked making the Kiln Gods. Mine is a dragon of the sea. It is a sea serpent. The models you make are very nice. The fire was nice and warm on that cold day. There was a lot of mud. I got stuck in some! I did not think that the day was very good. It was too rainy and it was cold. I still did not mind much because it was the best field trip I have ever been on.
-- From a 5th grader after a visit to SMC

Tile making workshop with 4th and 5th graders of Washington Montessori School in New Preston, CT. The tiles were sold at the school's benefit auction. (Click the image to see detail.)

kids clay project

Kids' pit firing workshop - clay objects from raw clay to finished project!

kids clay project

Making a 3D world.

kids clay project